Sunday, February 20, 2011

Assignment Four

I plan on creating a labyrinth game based upon the multiple pursuits that occur throughout the first several books of the Metamorphoses. These could be between Arethusa and Alpheus, Apollo and Daphne, or several others. The game will involve hiding and running from the pursuer while also using stealth techniques. There may be the ability to create traps or to even subdue your attacker. The game could be either in the third or first person point-of-view with each having their own strengths and weaknesses. I will make use of AI scripts so that the pursuer will follow player in a realistic faction and follows its sight instead of knowing everything about the player’s location. The physics engine will need to be realistic in order to account for objects in the world to interact with. It will also make use of a script involving the lighting to account for the stealth aspects of the game.

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