Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Game Concepts: Met 1-3

1) Seven Days

Before there was nature, there was chaos and nothing held shape. It is up to you, the first and only god in the universe (which also happens to be a giant octopus) to make a simple lump of clay into the thriving world we know as Earth today. And since you are a god and creating life is an art in itself, you will work with the tools that are associated with that of an artistic profession. Played in first-person view, you start out with a slab of clay various tools, that the player requires to make a planet that can sustain life. Among the tools provided include: a rolling pin, paintbrushes, paints, a scalpel, a pencil, and an eraser. The player's first task is to roll out the shape of earth using the rolling pin. The basic structures of the animals/mammals will be provided, though the player can customize them, such as re-coloring them, adding textures, more limbs, and so on. When the player is finished with the addition of creatures, the next task will be to create humankind. The human basic body structure is also included. Although the player is allowed to deviate from the basic human structure, it is not advised to create too many human deformities in case you start to confuse them with the other creatures you've created. The layout of the game play will be similar to working at a working bench. As the player, you'll be able to rotate your world and zoom in and out accordingly as you try to add final touches. However, the player needs to keep in mind of the economical structure of their world, thinking in terms of food chains and climates (including things like snow and rain). The player is allowed to go back and edit their planet at any time.

2)Dark Flight
This story starts out with the Princess of Phocis, constantly harassed by rich suitors asking for her hand in marriage. The player plays as the Princess Phi, who is on a quest to find her true love but must evade her "unworthy" suitors in the process. She decides that her one and only love is located on the ninth level of hell. The game consists of nine levels, and the player must make their way through each of them before reaching the final level, where her love is supposedly waiting. Each level contains different types of men in accordance to levels of hell from Dante's inferno. As the player progresses through each level, she must defeat all the men she encounters. The levels go in order from limbo to lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery. The people you encounter on each level will have different personalities depending on the nature of that level. As you defeat each person, the Princess gains experience and will eventually level up with enough points. It is important to take time to level up, in order to be able to efficiently find your love in the end. When you encounter a suitor, you first have to engage him in dialogue. If you fail to properly dissuade him, then you will be forced to fight him. You gain more experience from battle, but some opponents may prove to be too strong to defeat. When going into battle mode, you can choose from two different bird forms to transform into, an eagle and a raven. While with the eagle you have more strength, you have more agility with the raven. There are more bird forms to discover, but they are hidden within the levels. The game play of the game consists of 2_d, single-pan screening. When travels through hell, you play as Princess Phi and can cycle between walking, running, and jumping. Only when you go into battle mode is when you can change into bird-form.


You are hired by a mysterious god to protect and prevent the assassination of King Cadmus by the god Dionysus. However, you have the ability to change between a man and a woman by the means of a two-headed snake staff. There will be instances in the game where the ability to change back and forth between your two genders will turn out to be very useful. There will also be a series of questions throughout the duration of the game play. These questions correlate from he story Tiresias and Hera's personal view. An example would be if she asked you "Do girls have more fun?" If you answered yes, she becomes displeased and your perception stats would go down. If you answered no, your character gains more stealth skill. In the beginning of the game, your character starts out with even stats (stealth, perception, charisma, and strength). The general basics of the game is to run around the palace, completing missions in order to fulfill the mysterious god's request. The game is a third-person perspective . You will have to decide hoe=w to go about certain situations , depending on the gender you use. You might choose to be a man in order to use your strength as a form of persuasion or to destroy something. Or you might choose to appear as a woman to use your womanly wiles to trick the guards or to make new armor.

4) The Flood

This game is a strategy-based game where the player plays as a god, but must keep the population in check by inflicting as many natural disasters as possible. Among the natural disasters the player has at their disposal include huge floods, lightening storms, plagues, etc. You must inflict accordingly though so the human population will think they are being punished for good reason and do not turn on you. The game contains both campaign mode and multiplayer mode. Two of the four playable gods are Jupiter and Neptune and each has their own personal disasters that they can cause. The goal is to gain as many followers and temples built to you as possible before they do the same for another god. You gain offerings and favor through how you strategically inflict disasters. The player is given a time limit in which they must a achieve a certain number of followers. The more temples you gain, the more followers you can pull towards your cause. Ultimately the purpose of gaining believers to build an army against the opposing god. In the final battle you will use your human counterparts and your powers of destruction to crush the god and his followers. It is also possible for your temples to be destroyed by your own disasters, the other god's powers of destruction, or even the other god's followers. The game is a turn-table system, where you will have a certain allotted number of moves you will be allowed to make before you have to wait for the other god to make his moves.

5)Flowin' Flowers

This is a rhythm and memory game that revolves around your character Echo, trying to reach her love Narcissus. Echo finds Narcissus in an open field playing the lute and decides to craft him a flower. However, since she can only repeat what has been said, she must make the flower in accordance to the notes her love plays. The player is basically following a loose variation of connect-the-dots. The game is in first-person and the player's tool is a cursor, in order to draw their flower. The game will open with a scene of Narcissus playing a series of notes using cursor strokes in order to imitate the notes while drawing the flower simultaneously. Higher notes can be made by making upward strokes and lower notes are created by making downward strokes. There isn't a time limit, so you have plenty of times to make sure you have the right notes. To make sure you have the right notes, you can click on individual strokes to play back the sound they make. Essentially the player's screen is the canvas. And the player is given a basic connect the dots scenario. If you follow the notes correctly, the flower you have created comes to life and your character Echo presents it to Narcissus. However, if you mess up, your flower turns out deformed and Narcissus snubs it and you lose.

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