Monday, February 14, 2011

Ovid Game Design Assignment
Game Idea #1: The Giants
The player hand selects a certain number of gods from a pool to form a squad in which they must defend Olympus from the giants' attack. Each god would of course have its own unique advantages and disadvantages, and the player's job would be to create a balance in order to successfully defeat an assortment of giants. Each god would earn experience which could then be in turn used to purchase increased abilities, items or stats. 
The story would be that Olympus has recently come under attack by the giants of Earth in their bloodthirsty pursuit of reaching the Kingdom of Heaven as it were. In order to successfully stop the onslaught the gods must come together, combining their virtues, to form a force that itself is greater than their individual powers. 
The game will be played from a third person perspective in order that the player can manage each god they currently have power over. The game will be set in a variety of heavenly settings, but chaos must ensue allowing for destructible items and architecture. Each god will have their skills, each with its own unique artistic expression and effects. 
Traditionally squad based games were played on computers, however just as many Japanese group style RTS / RPG games have come around to the more technologically advanced consoles such as the Playstation 3 and XBox 360, I feel a game such as this would also benefit from more robust consoles. 
Game Idea #2: Python's Revenge
The player controls the mighty Python in order to make stealth attacks against Romans participating in the Pythian games. Having been killed (let's say wounded) previously and made a mockery of, the python seeks its revenge against the athletes in the local area. The game is more of a concept in that most stealth games involve a player controlling a spy or elite rogue Navy SEAL assassin. But why not control something different such as an animal with super human strength and absurd stealth abilities. The stealth genre needs a refresher. 
The story could be relatively simple i.e. the original python wasn't necessarily killed, and is now back to slay those who would make a mockery of his death with pithy games and chariot races. The end goal could be to hunt down "the god of the bent bow." Perhaps halfway through the game the Romans would send out an increasingly deadly force to once again and hunt down the Python, with boss mobs being things such as legendary generals and even demi-gods. 
The game could be played from numerous angles including third person or even first person. First person as something other than a bi-pedal humanoid could be an exciting experience just as it was in games such as Alien vs. Predator. The game would rely highly on lighting effects and stealth mechanics. Specialty kill animations could occur as well as seen in Batman: Arkham Aslyum and most Kung-Fu video games. The ability to chain together actions as well would be equally exciting and perhaps even have the ability to use abilities that certain snakes have such as thermal and vibration sensitivity. 
The game could easily be ported to computers and consoles, but would need substantial CPU / rendering power to maintain all of the scene setting lighting effects. 

Game Idea #3:  Phaethon 
The player controls Phaethon through a variety of obstacles as he attempts to steer Phoebus' chariot (themselves ala motion controller or accelerometer). The player would need to collide with certain power ups in order to be granted things such as altitude, control of the chariot, speed, breaking and other critical or game enhancing properties. The player must also weave their way through a variety of structural obstacles such as forests, heavenly structures and even the attacks of astrological foes. 
The story would be similar to Ovid's, except of course with the possibility that Phaethon might not be killed and could successfully pilot the Sun across the heavens. Phaethon would also be charged with doing battle with Zodiac constellations as well as maintaining an appropriate trajectory and pace in order to collect as many points as possible. 
Artistically the game would be viewed from behind the chariot in the third person. It wouldn't have to be too heavily detailed as the primary game mechanic would come from piloting the chariot with one's own hands. Cartoonish design and cell shading could be used to convey a storybook like feel to the game while not bogging down mobile platforms. 
With the advent of accelerometers on most smart phones and motion controllers coming to most consoles, being able to actually control the reigns or steer a chariot with your hands rather than joysticks could be a very exciting experience. Indeed with some consoles the player might even be able to use something like a Wii nun chuck to harness other weapons such as a bow or spear and shield whilst in the chariot. 

Game Idea #4: Actaeon 
The player controls Actaeon and his group of hunters and their dogs as they journey into the wilderness and are charged with bringing back the hunt. They must find resources for themselves while in the wilderness in which to construct shelter and weapons. The game would be based around resource survival much like escort quests are in the Starcraft and Warcraft series, that is if one of your hunters dies then there is no way to regain additional support. Additionally if Actaeon dies (or is turned into a stag) then the game is over. The game would be comprised of many levels with a variety of both environmental and NPC hazards including boss fights or traps as caused by the gods. 
The story would be modified from Ovid's original, in that the hunters are trying to protect themselves from the threats of the unknown wilderness and ultimately protect Actaeon as their leader. The hunting party would begin with a certain amount of resources which must be rationed up until the point the player must begin to manage their time and risk in order to gain additional resources such as food, wood, water, etc. The wilderness poses all sorts of threats from vengeful gods to large untamed beasts to fires and floods. 
Artistically the game could be set in a darker style such as Diablo 2 where one is exposed to the elements in variety of abysmal settings. From dark cold and rainy woods to treacherous and barren cliff sides. Additionally these terrains should blend together in a natural way as seen in MMORPGS such as World of Warcraft to create a better flow instead of an abrupt change i.e. marsh into forests into mountains into desert. 
I believe a game such as this should be played on the PC only. Commanding an entire hunting party in addition to resource management and unique skill sets based on the units levels requires more dexterity than can be achieved with a dual stick controller. Having a keyboard and a mouse paired with the processing power of a computer would allow the game to be played with minimal frustration. 
Game Idea #5: Horror Cadmus 
The player takes on the role of Cadmus in a much darker and horror based game. The setting remaining in the wilderness, but particularly in dank caves, towering black forests and foggy ravines full of beasties and scorned gods. 
The story's goal would still be for Cadmus to found the city of Thebes, however his brigade would be slaughtered in the first moments of the game leaving Cadmus alone to carry out his duty while he braves the elements. Cadmus would spend a large part of the game searching through this dark world for his fallen comrades only to finally face down the serpent as an end boss. Throughout the game play Cadmus would be forced to battle with other creatures and a constantly dwindling supply of resources and weapons. 
The artistic style of the game should be one of horror such as the series Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Dead Space or Demon's Souls. The player should be made to overcome extreme odds and conditions forcing them to play carefully and take heed of the slightest disturbances or opportunities. Sound effects and particle effects would be key to create an eerie ambiance and allow for surprise. The setting should feel overwhelming with depth, and allow the player to become lost in a wood or down the spiraling paths of a cave. 
This game could be ported to PC and Consoles. With horror games its primarily the layout and feel of the game rather than the amount of advanced technology it uses that defines the genre. 

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